Tuesday, January 13, 2009

blu musings

the new page in blu's sketchbook (&on his blog) is poignant, and sad. i saw it just as i was thinking his gaza strip, a mobius strip of tanks and bulldozers, met that description, he refined it. the print came out nicely.

perv (local, organic)

in part, i am using phallic local organic produce to poke fun, in a humorous, sex-positive, manner, at what may be considered perverted in our society. one element of perv (local, organic) only "works" if the viewer conflates a vegetable with human anatomy. blurring the line between human and plant will, i hope, help to break down our (human) disconnect with the natural world. i was planning on combining this with local organic for my mfa submission but received strong discouragement from some local arts folk who i trust.

Monday, January 05, 2009

local organic

my mfa application portfolio 2009
(click the play button in the picture above & then use arrow keys to go through it)